Basket subscription
By signing-up to a basket subscription and paying a portion of the cost before the season begins you provide your farmers with the necessary funds to get the season started and most importantly you guarantee yourself a portion of that years harvest.
In return, you will have access to all the vegetables grown on the farm in the form of a weekly or bi-weekly vegetable basket, with the vegetables of your choice, for a duration of 14 weeks, from July to the end of September.
In addition, we offer a Fall subscription from October to the end of the year.
Meaning you can have access to fresh, local and healthy produce from July to December!
For more details such as pricing and drop off points click here
Basket Examples
3 big Tomatoes
3 Bell Peppers
1 bunch of Carrots
3 Onions
1 Cabbage
150g of Lettuce
2 Eggplant
1lb of Beans
3lb of Potatoes
1 Rutabaga
1 Squash
150g of Lettuce
1 bunch Kale
1lb of Radish
2lbs of Carrots
150g of Spinach